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Academic Career Pathways (Research and Teaching)

This section sets out the promotion and progression criteria for the ACP R&T processes, which apply to all academic staff. The Assessment Criteria for each academic office are found in the tab below, together with generic Indicators of Excellence.

Each application will be considered and assessed on its own merit against the Assessment Criteria for the level in question, taking into equal account evidence of both inputs and outputs. For clarity, in relation to:

  • Teaching:  account may be taken from previous academic employment in the University and/or College(s) in relation to teaching but not from institutions external to the University.
  • Research/Scholarship:  Account may be taken of evidence in relation to research/scholarship, including researcher development, regardless of where it has been undertaken.
  • Service:  Evidence of contribution to the applicant’s subject other than in teaching and research may also include contributions made outside the University.

The generic Indicators of Excellence as well as the respective School/Institution-specific Indicators of Excellence provide examples of evidence of fulfilment of these criteria.  All examples are suggestive in nature and non-exhaustive, and not all the indicators will be relevant to all applicants.

Applicants should refer to the Committees section (in particular Overarching Considerations) for more guidance on the approach that Committees are expected to take in evaluating evidence.

The General Board has the discretion to make changes to the weighting, thresholds, score range, or any other element of the scoring methodology that it deems necessary.


School/Institution-specific Guidance and Indicators of Excellence

Each School/Institution is expected to adopt and publish its own specific guidance on expectations for promotion and progression and exemplar Indicators of Excellence; these indicators are in addition to the more generic Indicators of Excellence set out in this guidance. The School/Institution-specific guidance will state the expectations with regard to the balance between teaching and/or researcher development for progression or promotion. 

To ensure parity of standards and expectations, the School Guidance must be approved by the respective School Councils prior to adoption.  Each School will be expected to review their guidance annually and update it, as necessary, to ensure it remains relevant and fit for purpose.  Schools may find it helpful to refer to the minutes of previous ACP R&T (or Senior Academic Promotions) rounds for examples of Indicators of Excellence for their disciplines. 

Please see the School/Institution-specific information for further details.